
About us

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Need color scheme inspiration? Check out the Color Picker for different colors that blend well together.

Learn about Web Standards by reading The Web Standards Project and the World Wide Web Consortium.

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These days everything is online. You can't watch a television commercial without seeing a website url. Every company is getting online now and presenting themselves to the world. Are you? Your business deserves a place in the spotlight. Whether you're an Internet novice or someone with a website in need of an overhaul, Andromeda Design can help you by offering a clean web solution at affordable rates.

What can Andromeda Design do for YOU?

Andromeda Design can do that and so much more!

Current/Most recent project(s)

Bébé Magg is a wonderful store that sells new and gently used baby products - everything from nursery furniture to clothing to travel gear to toys. The owners wanted a fresh overhaul to their previously very basic web site. The color scheme and whimsical teddy bears in the new design are taken from their pre-existing business card logo, and the rotating image on the front page showcases some of their products.